Odading a snack from Indonesia (bandung)

Odading made by twins

Odading a traditional snack from Indonesia.

Once again we post a recipe that you have to fried 🙂 . Our mother is originally from Bandung and every time we go there we always eat this snack called Odading. Its actually some kind of sweet bread. In the Netherlands we almost have a similar snack called “Oliebol”( but mostly we only eat oliebollen with the holidays and new year).  Odading has more this bread texture and we eat this through the whole year. Simple but very delicious!


– 2 eggs
– 600 gram flower
– 22 gram yeast
– 320 ml lukewarm water
– 250 gram sugar
– 1 teaspoon salt
– oil for frying


1. Whisk the eggs with a fork.
Put the yeast in the lukewarm water.
2. Transfer the lukewarm water with yeast, sugar, eggs, flower and salt  in a bowl and mix it together with a  spatula.
3. Put a towel on the bowl and let it rise for 1 hour till its doubled.
4. Lets fry’em up in oil, till its golden brown!

Bon Appetit 🙂

How to make Odading

34 responses to “Odading a snack from Indonesia (bandung)

    • Hi Aaron! We haven’t heard about gulab jamun before. But we just saw some pictures..this indian dessert looks delicious! And indeed it looks a bit like Odading haha

      • It is quite common here in Indian restaurants and in India as well. It is fried gram flour dessert that is soaked in cardamom sugar. Very, very sweet and decadent. I saw once a bowl of ice cream with two gulabs. It was too much, but I ate it anyways!

      • We are both a sweet-tooth, so we cant wait to try this gulab jamun. And with ice-cream, wow that will be fantastic hihi. But a combination of these two must be VERY sweet. How did you felt afterwards eating this dessert haha?

  1. Ineke and Anneke: I love this recipe – it looks like something even I could make, a novice baker – and very delicious! How special that your mother has passed on her delicious heritage to you. It is interesting that The Netherlands has a similar snack to odading! 🙂 Best wishes – Shanna

    • Hi Shanna, thank you! We are glad you love the recipe 🙂 Yes its very easy to make, but we are sure this is really a piece of cake for you if we look at your other delicious baking hihi. Our mother always teach us how to make traditional Indonesian snacks and dishes. We love learning about the Asian cuisine as well the western. Btw your teriyaki tofu looks sooo delicious! Have a nice evening, cheers Ine and Anne

      • Hi, Anne and Ine,
        Thank you for the lovely compliments! I am blushing! It is heartwarming that you have such a beautiful relationship with your mum – and that she passes on her best recipes to you. That is a real gift! 🙂 Have a fabulous New Year.

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    • Hiii Chauncey, thank you so much for your lovely comment, we really appreciate it. Glad you like our Blog! Yours looks great too! See you soon 😀

    • Oh ya hehe? Pertama makan Odading waktu liburan di bandung. Kami tinggal di Netherlands, tapi pengen bgt makan Odading lagi hehe. Sayang’y gak ada yang jualan disini. Maka nya, cari resep and bikin sendiri hihi 😀

    • Hello Chowwithme, how are you? Your Welcome! Glad this post inspired you for making that jump start hihi! Btw your Doughnuts looks so delicious, sure we are going to try that recipe, thanks! Xoxo

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